English Posts
The Neuroscience of Conversational Intelligence: Why Every Word Matters
The Neuroscience of Conversational Intelligence: Why Every Word Matters Neuroscience of the Conversation: communication models and simple tools to have [...]
The Evolution of our Planet’s Life and the Last Revolution to Save Us as Humans Beings
We honor author Rob Stewart’s remarkable journey of courage and determination changed from its original mission to save the world’s sharks, into [...]
Empowering Environmental Education through Citizen Science and Biodiversity Research
According to a recent new study, citizen science offers the opportunity to address some of the biggest concerns and challenges facing biodiversity researchers. [...]
Italian Posts
Intelligenza Conversazionale per il Coaching: Perché Ogni Parola Conta!
“Intelligenza Conversazionale per il Coaching: Perché Ogni Parola Conta!” Neuroscienza della Conversazione: modelli di comunicazione e strumenti semplici per avere [...]
#Meglio30: Risparmia energia anche a casa!
La temperatura media di lavaggio in Europa è di 41°. In Italia si riesce a fare meglio con 40°. Se tutti [...]
La Normativa sulla Gestione dei Rifiuti
Il 25 dicembre 2010 è entrato in vigore il IV Correttivo (Decreto Legislativo N. 205/2010) al Testo Unico Ambientale (T.U.A. [...]
Media & Press

We can provide journalists and media professionals with information and resources that might be useful for producing articles and interviews in English and Italian with Dr. Paola Fiore about sustainability, CSR, and climate change topics.
For any press request, media enquiry, interview, or speaking engagement, we invite you to contact us directly via the contact page on our website.
Video News
XIV Conferenza Nazionale di ICF Italia
COACHING FOR SUSTAINABILITY Una Professione al Servizio di un Futuro più Responsabile e Sostenibile. A 15 anni dalla fondazione di [...]
Eco Hub News
Webinars & Podcasts
National Geographic – Causes and Effects of Climate Change
What causes climate change and global warming? And what are the effects of climate change? [...]
Ending Poperty. Forever.
We must commit to eradicating poverty once and for all. That’s why we all levels [...]
Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.
Living within planetary boundaries is the most promising strategy for ensuring a healthy future. Human prosperity need not cost [...]
Transitioning from the MDGs to the SDGs
An end to poverty, hunger and inequality worldwide. That and more is the ambitious agenda of the Sustainable Development [...]