Supporting the private sector in transitioning to a resource-efficient sustainable economy through low and zero carbon business models and operations, responsible investments and sustainability priorities for climate action.

Helping NGOs in communicating to larger audiences the risks and economic impacts of climate change like bigger and more frequent storms, water scarcity and flooding, and reduced agricultural productivity and human health.

Empowering professional associations to play a central role in encouraging associates to invest in sustainability learning programs in order to adapt to climate change and help build the resilience of cities and communities.

Partnering with corporate foundations to facilitate sustainability initiatives and climate change adaptation projects in order to support the private sector and policymakers to build a green economy and society.

Our Customers

We work with CEOs and boards, executives, senior and middle managers, social entrepreneurs, eco-innovators and startups, journalists and media professionals, and think tanks and universities, who want to integrate environment and sustainability programs and climate change action plans into their business strategy and operations, and track their progress towards the successful achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We empower sustainability professionals in the areas of climate action, quality education, and responsible consumption and production, goals seen as the most vital among the overall SDGs to drive faster progress on sustainable development.

We partner with non-governmental institutions, entrepreneurs, and the private sector to evaluate the advancements made on each Global Goal, and focus on the most urgent priorities within their organizations.

The time is right to measure the risks of inaction and delayed actions with the cumulative global peak carbon emissions by 2020, in order to remain close to 1.5°C of global warming, and avoid global threats to humanity too large to be calculated.

CEOs & Boards of Directors

We assist CEOs & board of directors to identify the factors shaping their thinking on sustainability and climate change, and analyze the barriers that prevent them from prioritizing corporate sustainability strategy in their decision-making.

C-Level Executives

We support C-Level Executives to take an active role in defining a sustainability framework, and lead sustainability strategy by ensuring that environmental sustainability and climate change action are elevated to a strategic level.

Senior & Middle Managers

We empower senior and middle managers to get on board and make sustainability a middle out positive change, and understand how to integrate sustainable thinking into their core functions to engage and motivate employees.

Entrepreneurs, Innovators & Startups

We support entrepreneurs, innovators and start-ups to create and promote sustainable and successful businesses, and facilitate the development of innovative business model and collaborations to deliver triple bottom line results.

Journalists & Media Professionals

We support journalists and media professionals to respond rapidly to the growing issues of global warming and climate change that face journalism and media professionals, and get a larger view to report effectively about the SDGs.

Schools, Think Tanks & Universities

We partner with schools, think tanks, and universities to accelerate analysis and action towards adaptation to climate change and resilience in the SDGs, and make a contribution to a more responsible economy and sustainable society.

Let's Work Together!

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