Corporate Statement

With over 18 years of experience in transforming corporate and non-profit organizations into socially responsible and profitable market leaders, at ETICAMBIENTE® we are forward thinking pioneers in the field of sustainability management, communications, coaching and training.

We are dedicated to working with small and medium-to-large sized companies willing to integrate sustainability principles into their core business model, day-to-day operations and risk analysis, as well as striving to maximize stakeholder engagement and communications.

We partner with our clients to enhance their sustainability leadership and innovation, build a business case for sustainability, identify best areas for improvement and cost savings, access new markets for a greener economy, avoid greenwashing, promote eco-friendly products and services, improve brand reputation and conversations, and drive long term sustainability value.


“We believe in the power of human connections and authentic conversations, and trust human capacity to envision and create wellbeing, sustainability and economic and social prosperity that shall preserve ecosystems and natural resources for the present and future generations,” Dr. Paola Fiore Founder of ETICAMBIENTE®.

“A world where individuals, communities and companies are guided by environmentally and socially responsible values for the common good; and, share a global consciousness to live in peace and prosperity, and preserve our fragile natural environment and multicultural society”, Dr. Paola Fiore Founder of ETICAMBIENTE®.

Creating and promoting innovative solutions to address the economic, environmental, climate and social impacts of business and empower companies and citizens to take deliberate ethical and prompt action towards an environmentally and socially responsible economy and society”, Dr. Paola Fiore Founder of ETICAMBIENTE®.

We are driven and inspired by personal ethics and professional authenticity, genuine and open communication, proactive collaboration, forward-thinking creativity, passion for new learning, strong environmental and social commitment, and we are moved by the pursuit of excellence”, Dr. Paola Fiore Founder of ETICAMBIENTE®.

“We set specific KPIs and measures that help us evaluate the ongoing progress toward our economic, environmental and societal business goals and ensure that our Purpose, Vision, Mission, and Values will continue to be an important part of our daily business and identity,” Dr. Paola Fiore Founder of ETICAMBIENTE®.

Our Eco Pledge

About the Founder

Dr. Paola Fiore
Dr. Paola FioreCore Credentials
Capitalizing on her innovative systemic knoledge and strong collaborative partnerships, gained during over 18 years of experience in empowering companies and employees to become authentic sustainability champions, and more than 24 years of environmental studies, Dr. Paola Fiore has an extensive academic know-how and owns a unique core set of expertise about Sustainability, CSR and Climate Change.
Dr. Paola Fiore's
Dr. Paola Fiore's Biography
Sustainability management and communications specialist, international pluri-certified coach and trainer, professional journalist and documentary photographer, and climate change expert and environmental advocate. Dr. Paola Fiore is the Founder of ETICAMBIENTE® Sustainability Management & Communications Consulting, and National Coordinator for Italy for The Climate Reality Project Europe.
Dr. Paola Fiore's
Dr. Paola Fiore's Curriculum Vitae
Forward thinking, pioneer sustainability expert with strong passion for the environment and extensive knoledge and experience in sustainabilty. Leveraging her creativity, her multiple degrees and expertise, she creates and promotes innovative sustainable solutions that empower companies and organizazions to drive long term business prosperity and environmental and social value.

Affiliations, Memberships and Partnerships

Learning and development, as well as knoledge sharing and collaborative networking are critical success factors.

We are proud to give our support and work together with the following Italian and International Organizations: